Counter ads Workshop

In our school, aside from our international project "creativity and sustainability," we also have a project for younger students aged 14-15 called "There is no planet B". As part of this project, this week 2nd year ESO students are hosting a mobility trip to Manresa with Italian and Lithuanian students.

Since the themes for both projects are similar, the older students decided to get involved in the project for the younger ones. They prepared a workshop on sustainable counter-advertising.

To begin with, they prepared a presentation explaining what counter ads are and presenting examples of well-known brands. Then, it was the turn of the high school students, who had to build posters to counter-advertise unsustainable companies or habits. In order to build their poster as a collage, they cut and pasted images from magazines and newspapers. Older students were there the whole tome to help and guide them during the creation of their advertisment.
